We Have No Way of Tracking Them and You Might Not See Them Again Obama

Every presidency can be seen as a series of words. Which is why we decided to read through hundreds of thousands of the words of Barack Obama—who was a writer, in exercise and disposition, long earlier he was the 44th president of the United states of america. What does he think of his job? Yes we can, Obama said when he ran. But non overnight, he was quick to add after he won. Alter is hard. Just expect at these 101 things he's said since 2006, from his sleeky sense of what his presence in the Oval Function could mean to what turned out to exist a much more than constrained, less soaring reality. Here is the arc of Obama.

one. "My attitude about something similar the presidency is that yous don't want to just be the president. You want to change the country. You want to make a unique contribution. Y'all want to exist a great president." (Men's Vogue, September 2006)

two. "This country is ready for a transformative politics of the sort that John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt represented." (Fourth dimension, October 15, 2006)

3. "I don't know exactly what makes somebody ready to be president. Information technology'due south not clear that JFK was 'prepare' to be president, it's not clear that Harry Truman, when he was elevated, was 'gear up,' and yet, somehow, some people respond and some people don't. My instinct is that people who are set up are folks who go into it understanding the gravity of their work, and are able to combine vision and judgment." (New Yorker, November 6, 2006)

4. "Well, in that location are a lot of things I think I tin accomplish, but 2 things I know. The first is, when I raise my hand and take that adjuration of function, there are millions of kids around this state who don't believe that it would ever be possible for them to exist president of the United States. And for them, the world would alter on that solar day. And the second thing is, I think the world would expect at us differently the mean solar day I got elected, considering it would be a reaffirmation of what America is, nigh the constant perfecting of who we are. I remember I tin assistance repair the damage that's been washed." (Game Change, December 13, 2006)

5. "Likewise many times, after the election is over and the confetti is swept abroad, all those promises fade from memory, and the lobbyists and special interests motility in, and people turn abroad, disappointed as earlier, left to struggle on their own." (speech announcing his presidential campaign, February x, 2007)

6. "I'chiliad running for president because the time for the tin't-exercise, won't-practice, won't-fifty-fifty-try mode of politics is over. Information technology's time to turn the page." (speech communication in San Diego, May two, 2007)

7. "I recollect that I have the capacity to become people to recognize themselves in each other." (This Week, May thirteen, 2007)

8. "I actually believe my own rhetoric." (Newsweek, May 2008)

nine. "I was never the likeliest candidate for this office." (ballot victory spoken language, November 4, 2008)

10. "I do take confidence that we're gonna exist able to get it correct. But it'southward not gonna exist overnight." (Today, February two, 2009)

11. "I always felt that a president is accountable for making the all-time decisions, but that there are going to exist a lot of unexpected twists and turns along the way. And as I said recently, this is notwithstanding a human enterprise and these are big, tough, complicated issues. Somebody noted to me that past the time something reaches my desk, that means it'southward really difficult. Because if information technology were easy, somebody else would take made the decision and somebody else would have solved it." (New York Times, March 7, 2009)

12. "I do think in Washington it'due south a fiddling bit like American Idol, except everybody is Simon Cowell. Everybody's got an stance." (The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, March 19, 2009)

13. "And, you know, obviously, at the inauguration I think that at that place was justifiable pride on the part of the land that nosotros had taken a step to move us beyond some of the searing legacies of racial discrimination in this country. Only that lasted nearly a day." (White Business firm news briefing, March 24, 2009)

xiv. "Well, I had a habit of praying every nighttime, earlier I go to bed. I pray all the time at present. Considering I've got a lot of stuff on my plate and I demand guidance all the time." (Nightline, July 24, 2009)

xv. "Await, you know, when you're in this task, I recall, uh—every president who's had it is constantly humbled by the degree to which there are a lot of issues out there, and the notion that ane person alone can solve all these problems—I call back you're cured of that illusion very quickly." (Nightline, July 24, 2009)

16. "Subsequently I received the news, Malia walked in and said, 'Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo'south altogether!' And and then Sasha added, 'Plus, we have a three-day weekend coming upwardly.' Then it's proficient to have kids to proceed things in perspective." (remarks on winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Oct 9, 2009)

17. "I don't call up annihilation prepares you for the presidency." (U.S. News & World Study, October 27, 2009)

18. "Exercise every day. Seeing my family. Keeping things in perspective. Reading history. Reminding yourself that this is a long-term proposition and you're not going to become everything exactly right, but hopefully, if you're moving things in the right trajectory, that things usually work out." (U.S. News & World Report, October 27, 2009)

19. "The worst matter about being president is all the noise, all the political games—you know, information technology can be like a hall of mirrors, where just a few people are talking to each other and never breaking out of it. And Michelle is very expert at making me focus non on the firsthand orbit that we're in but what'south going on exterior of it." (interview with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, December eleven, 2009)

20. "Let's be clear hither. Seven presidents take tried to reform a health intendance system that everyone acknowledges is broken. 7 presidents accept failed upward until this point." (60 Minutes, December 13, 2009)

21. "You know, nosotros live in history. And it'southward complicated. And things aren't ever, yous know, completely clean." (6 0 Minutes, December 13, 2009)

22. "Yous know, this is a town where in one case a screw-up happens, people tin can't simply say, 'OK, that was a screw-up and permit's fix it.' At that place has to be, you know, two weeks' worth of cablevision churr most it." (60 Minutes, Dec thirteen, 2009)

23. "There'southward got to exist a sense sometimes that we're willing to rise in a higher place our particular interests, our particular ideas, in gild to go things done. Correct now, that culture has, I recollect, broken down over the terminal several years, and one of my jobs over the next three years is to endeavor to see if we tin can revive that." (ABC News, December 16, 2009)

24. "The i matter I'm clear about is that I'd rather be a really expert i-term president than a mediocre two-term president. And I—and I believe that." (ABC News, January 26, 2010)

25. "When your poll numbers driblet, yous're an idiot. When your poll numbers are high, yous're a genius. If my poll numbers are depression, then I'm cool and cognitive and cold and detached. If my poll numbers are loftier, well, 'He'southward at-home and reasoned.'" (ABC News, January 26, 2010)

26. "My signal is the easiest thing to practice in politics is to point fingers, to effigy out who to blame for something, or to make people afraid of things. That's the easiest mode to go attending. That's what reporters will report on. Y'all call somebody a name, you say, 'Look what a terrible affair they've washed, and they're going to practise more terrible things to y'all if yous don't watch out.'" (speech in New Hampshire, Feb 2, 2010)

27. "Permit's acknowledge that democracy has e'er been messy. Let'south not be overly cornball." (National Prayer Breakfast, Feb iv, 2010)

28. "We—I've got a whole agglomeration of portraits of presidents effectually here, starting with Teddy Roosevelt, who tried to do [health care reform] and didn't go it done. The reason that it needs to be done is non its event on the presidency. It has to practice with how it's going to affect ordinary people who right now are desperately in need of assist." (Special Report with Bret Baier, March 17, 2010)

29. "People don't progress in a straight line. Countries don't progress in a straight line." (David Remnick'south The Bridge, April 6, 2010)

30. "Every bit I've found out after a year in the White House, irresolute this type of slash-and-burn politics isn't easy." (University of Michigan graduation spoken communication, May 1, 2010)

31. "I also have the shortest commute of anybody I know. And that makes a huge deviation because it ways no thing how long I'm working any given day I can always go upstairs to see my wife and kids. And that's something I probably appreciate more than anything else well-nigh being here in the White House." (C-Span, Baronial 12, 2010)

32. "You lot know, the Lincoln Sleeping accommodation, I don't go into much, except when there are visitors. Every once in a while, I'll sneak in, just to reread the Gettysburg Address." (C-SPAN, August 12, 2010)

33. "I will say that the Due south Lawn is extraordinary. And we congenital this play set out here that Malia and Sasha used to use a lot. They're now getting old enough where sometimes they don't use information technology equally much every bit we await. But I've got nieces and nephews and kids of staff come up in. And there are times when I'm working here and I'll wait out the window and of a sudden somebody's on a swing or laughing as they get downwardly a slide, and information technology reminds you of why we're doing what nosotros're doing." (C-SPAN, August 12, 2010)

34. "Yous know, wait, our political life is like our individual lives. There are ups and downs. There are peaks and valleys." (New York Times Magazine, October 12, 2010)

35. "I make no apologies for having set loftier expectations for myself and for the country, because I remember we tin meet those expectations. Now, the one thing that I volition say—which I anticipated and can be tough—is the fact that in a big, messy democracy like this, everything takes time. And nosotros're not a civilisation that'southward built on patience." (New York Times Magazine, October 12, 2010)

36. "History never precisely repeats itself. But at that place is a blueprint in American presidencies—at to the lowest degree mod presidencies. You come in with excitement and fanfare. The other party initially, having been beaten, says it wants to cooperate with yous. You start implementing your program every bit you promised during the campaign. The other party pushes back very hard. Information technology causes a lot of consternation and drama in Washington. People who are already cynical and skeptical nigh Washington more often than not look at it and say, 'This is the aforementioned old mess equally we've seen before.' The president's poll numbers driblet. And you have to and then sort of wrestle back the conviction of the people equally the programs that you've put in place start bearing fruit." (New York Times Magazine, Oct 12, 2010)

37. "I am president, I am not king. I can't do these things merely by myself." (Univision, October 25, 2010)

38. "My attitude is, if we're makin' progress, step by stride, inch by inch, day by solar day, that we are being true to the spirit of that campaign." (The Daily Show, October 27, 2010)

39. "So, the most important things for me over the last two years, in terms of stress reduction, is the fact that if I'one thousand here in Washington, I'one thousand having dinner at 6:30, merely about every dark. And sitting effectually that table, listening to [my kids], and trying to respond their questions, that keeps my bearings." (ABC News, November 26, 2010)

40. "As I travel across the land folks often ask me what is it that I pray for. And similar nigh of you, my prayers sometimes are full general: 'Lord, give me the strength to encounter the challenges of my function.' Sometimes they're specific: 'Lord, give me patience as I picket Malia go to her get-go trip the light fantastic toe—where at that place will be boys.' 'Lord, accept that skirt become longer as she travels to that dance.'" (National Prayer Breakfast, Feb 3, 2011)

41. "I think that when y'all're president of the United States, it comes with the territory that folks are going to criticize you. That'south what I signed up for." (NPR, July 22, 2011)

42. "No wonder I accept got more greyness hair at present." (CNN, August 16, 2011)

43. "Equally long as I'm president, I'm gonna be held responsible, in some manner, to fix the problem." (sixty Minutes, December xi, 2011)

44. "Sometimes when I'thousand talking to my team, I describe us as, you know—I'm the captain and they're the crew on a transport, going through really bad storms. And no thing how well we're steering the ship, if the boat'due south rocking back and forth and people are getting ill and, you know, they're existence buffeted past the winds and the rain and, you know, at a certain point, if you lot're asking, 'Are y'all enjoying the ride correct now?' Folks are gonna say, 'No.' And [if you lot] say, 'Do you think the captain's doing a practiced job?' People are gonna say, 'You know what? A expert captain would accept had united states in some polish waters and sunny skies, at this point.' And I don't control the weather. What I can control are the policies we're putting in place to brand a difference in people'south lives." (60 Minutes, December eleven, 2011)

45. "Y'all know, at that place was actually a good article written a while back, taking a look at the onetime printing clips from every Democratic president, dating back to Franklin Roosevelt, including Roosevelt. And, you lot know, nobody was happy with them. Nobody was happy with them. You know? Neb Clinton, who's beloved past the Democratic Party, at this signal—and I consider to be an extraordinarily successful president—yous look at his one-time printing clippings, he was getting vanquish up with some of the same stuff I was getting beat up with." (60 minutes, December eleven, 2011)

46. "I remember that when I came into function in 2008, it was my firm conventionalities that at such an important moment in our history, at that place was no reason why Democrats and Republicans couldn't put some of the former ideological baggage aside and focus on common sense, what works, practical solutions to the tough problems we were facing. And I think the Republicans fabricated a different calculation, which was, 'You know what? We really screwed upward the economic system. Obama seems popular. Our all-time bet is to stand on the sidelines, considering we think the economy's gonna become worse, and at some betoken, just arraign him.'" (60 minutes, Dec xi, 2011)

47. "I didn't overpromise. And I didn't underestimate how tough this was gonna be. I ever believed that this was a long-term project; this wasn't a brusk-term project." (hr, Dec xi, 2011)

48. "The one thing I've prided myself on before I was president—and it turns out that continues to exist true as president—I'thou a persistent son of a gun. I just stay at it. And I'yard only gonna keep on staying at it as long as I'grand in this office." (threescore Minutes, December 11, 2011)

49. "I've got v more than years of stuff to do." (sixty Minutes, December 11, 2011)

l. "In that location'southward aught more humbling, really, than being president. Information technology's a foreign thing. Suddenly, you've got all the pomp and the circumstance and yous've got the helicopters and you've got the Air Force One and—and the plane is actually overnice. Information technology actually is. I mean, Bill may not miss being president, but he misses that plane. Let'due south face information technology, he does. It'south a groovy airplane. And I'll miss it, too." (remarks at a private fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, April 29, 2012)

51. "Merely not withal." (remarks at a private fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, April 29, 2012)

52. "The gridlock you see in Washington does not exist out in neighborhoods and cities and towns beyond the country. If I go to Malia's or Sasha's soccer game and I'm standing in that location with a agglomeration of parents, I don't know whether or non they're Democrats or Republicans, and nigh of them accept the aforementioned concerns and the aforementioned values." (Tardily Show with David Letterman, September 19, 2012)

53. "You'll see I wear only gray or blueish suits. I'm trying to pare down decisions. I don't want to make decisions about what I'thou eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make." (Vanity Fair, October 2012)

54. "You need to focus your decision-making energy. Y'all need to routinize yourself. You can't be going through the 24-hour interval distracted by trivia." (Vanity Off-white, Oct 2012)

55. "I played a lot of sports when I was a kid, and even so practise. If you accept a bad game, yous merely move on. You look forward to the next one. And it makes you that much more determined." (ABC News, Oct 10, 2012)

56. "So we've made real progress these past 4 years. Only … we know our work's not done yet. … And that'due south why I'm running for a second term every bit president. Because we've got more piece of work to do." (campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, November 1, 2012)

57. "The biggest challenge we've always had is that dissimilar FDR—who came into office when the economy had already bottomed out, so people understood that everything done subsequent to his election was making things ameliorate—I came in just as we were sliding." (Rolling Rock, November 8, 2012)

58. "I think that existence in this office has fabricated me even more appreciative of my family unit in means that I didn't think I could be. I already loved them so much, but when you lot're under all these pressures, to come home every single night—at least when I'chiliad in boondocks—and have Michelle and the girls there, and draw joy from them … they are my residue and they go on me grounded, and that's truer now than information technology's ever been." (O, The Oprah Magazine, November 2012)

59. "Practise I wish that things were more orderly in Washington, and rational, and people listened to the all-time arguments and compromised and operated in a more thoughtful and organized style? Absolutely. Simply when you expect at history, that's been the exception rather than the norm." (Run across the Press, December 30, 2012)

60. "There are all sorts of lessons to be learned both from past presidents and my own showtime term. I've said this before, simply one of the things that happened in the beginning term was that nosotros had so many fires going on at the same time that nosotros were focusing on policy and getting it right, which means that nosotros were spending less time communicating with the American people most why we were doing what we were doing and how it tied together with our overarching desire of strengthening our middle form and making the economy work." (New Commonwealth, January 27, 2013)

61. "And a large chunk of my day is occupied by news of state of war, terrorism, ethnic clashes, violence done to innocents." (New Republic, January 27, 2013)

62. "I am more mindful probably than virtually of non only our incredible strengths and capabilities, just also our limitations." (New Republic, Jan 27, 2013)

63. "I think, you lot know, i of the things that humbles you lot as president—I'm sure Hillary feels the aforementioned way every bit secretarial assistant of state—is that you realize that all you can exercise every unmarried solar day is to figure out a management, make certain that you are working every bit hard as you can to put people in places where they tin can succeed, inquire the right questions, shape the right strategy. But it'south going to be a team that both succeeds and fails. And it'southward a procedure of constant improvement, because the world is big and it is chaotic. You know, I remember Bob Gates—you know, first thing he said to me, I think perchance first calendar week or two that I was at that place and we were meeting in the Oval Office. And he, evidently, has been through 7 presidents or something. And he says, 'Mr. President, one matter I tin can guarantee you lot is that at this moment, somewhere, somehow, somebody in the federal regime is screwing upwardly.'" (60 Minutes, Jan 27, 2013)

64. "You know, there are transitions and transformations taking place all around the globe. We are not going to be able to control every attribute of every transition and transformation. Sometimes they're going to become sideways. Sometimes, you lot know, there'll be unintended consequences." (sixty Minutes, January 27, 2013)

65. "But I do worry sometimes that equally soon as we get out the prayer breakfast, everything we've been talking nearly the whole fourth dimension at the prayer breakfast seems to be forgotten—on the same solar day of the prayer breakfast. I hateful, you lot'd like to think that the shelf life wasn't so brusk. But I go back to the Oval Part and I start watching the cable news networks and it's like nosotros didn't pray." (National Prayer Breakfast, Feb 7, 2013)

66. "Equally president, sometimes I accept to search for the words to panel the inconsolable. Sometimes I search Scripture to decide how best to residue life every bit a president and equally a hubby and equally a father. I often search for Scripture to figure out how I can be a better human too as a improve president." (National Prayer Breakfast, February 7, 2013)

67. "What people actually typically want is a clean solution, a silver bullet, here's what we're going to do and we just motion forward—well, that's not, unfortunately, how the world works." (Charlie Rose, June 17, 2013)

68. "If we become in the habit where a few folks, an extremist wing of one party, whether it's Democrat or Republican, are allowed to extort concessions based on a threat of undermining the total faith and credit of the United States, then any president who comes afterward me, non just me, will discover themselves unable to govern effectively." (CNBC, October two, 2013)

69. "It is not unusual for Democrats and Republicans to disagree. That's the way the founders designed our government. Democracy's messy. But when you lot have a situation in which a faction is willing potentially to default on U.S. government obligations, then nosotros are in trouble." (CNBC, Oct 2, 2013)

70. "Am I exasperated? Absolutely I'm exasperated." (CNBC, October two, 2013)

71. "How business is washed in this town has to change." (remarks at the White House, October 17, 2013)

72. "Disagreement cannot mean dysfunction. Information technology can't degenerate into hatred." (remarks at the White House, October 17, 2013)

73. "You know, when Social Security was first passed, people said, 'This is socialism, this is terrible.' When Medicare passed, people were fighting information technology, proverb, 'You're going to lose, you know, your health care.' Some of the same arguments that are made about the Affordable Care Human activity you heard about Social Security, you lot heard most Medicare. But once yous get over that hump and the thing starts rolling, and people become accepted to it and confident almost it, it ends up helping a lot of people and, you know, that'due south just the nature of social modify in this country." (Steve Harvey, December twenty, 2013)

74. "There have been times where I've been constrained by the fact that I had two young daughters who I wanted to spend fourth dimension with—and that I wasn't in a position to work the social scene in Washington." (New Yorker, January 27, 2014)

75. "The only time I go frustrated is when folks act like information technology's non complicated and in that location aren't some existent tough decisions, and are sanctimonious, equally if somehow these aren't complicated questions." (New Yorker, Jan 27, 2014)

76. "I have strengths and I have weaknesses, like every president, like every person. I do think i of my strengths is temperament. I am comfortable with complexity, and I think I'k pretty expert at keeping my moral compass while recognizing that I am a product of original sin. And every morn and every nighttime I'1000 taking measure of my deportment against the options and possibilities available to me, understanding that there are going to be mistakes that I brand and my team makes and that America makes; agreement that there are going to exist limits to the adept we can do and the bad that nosotros can prevent, and that at that place'southward going to be tragedy out in that location and, by occupying this function, I am part of that tragedy occasionally, merely that if I am doing my very best and basing my decisions on the core values and ideals that I was brought upwards with and that I remember are pretty consistent with those of virtually Americans, that at the end of the 24-hour interval, things volition be amend rather than worse." (New Yorker, January 27, 2014)

77. "At the end of the day we're part of a long-running story. We simply endeavor to get our paragraph right." (New Yorker, Jan 27, 2014)

78. "I attempt to focus not on the fumbles, merely on the side by side plan." (Fox News, Feb 2, 2014)

79. "I don't get a chance to take walks very ofttimes. Hush-hush Service gets a little stressed. Just every once in a while, I'one thousand able to sneak off. I'one thousand sort of like the circus bear that kind of breaks the chain, and I start taking off, and everybody starts whispering, 'The bear is loose!'" (remarks at the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, New York, May 22, 2014)

lxxx. "The bear is loose." (leaving the White House for a Starbucks run, June 9, 2014)

81. "The last time I took a walk unencumbered was in Austin, Texas. Truthful story. This is before a contend in the primary. And I walked along the river, and I got virtually probably a mile, mile and a half, and so some people started spotting me. … Clandestine Service got nervous." (remarks in Austin, July 10, 2014)

82. "What I've said to my team is, 'Become me out of Washington.' Let me talk to people who are doing the right thing and struggling, so that they know they're being heard by at to the lowest degree somebody in Washington. Permit'due south remind the country what we should exist focused on. So that we tin also maybe prod Congress into doing the right thing." (remarks in Austin, July 10, 2014)

83. "Once I'm done, then I'll look dorsum and run across what the legacy is." (YouTube interview, January 22, 2015)

84. "I'1000 not ignoring it. I'm dealing with it every day. That'south what I wake up to each forenoon. I get a thick book full of expiry, destruction, strife and chaos. That'south what I accept with my morning tea." (Vox, February nine, 2015)

85. "I don't become besides high, don't get besides depression." (Huffington Postal service, March 21, 2015)

86. "As long every bit I stay focused on those northward stars, so I tend non to become as well rattled." (Huffington Mail, March 21, 2015)

87. "I want to thank everybody here for their prayers, which hateful so much to me and Michelle. Peculiarly at a time when my daughters are starting to grow up and starting to become on college visits, I need prayer. I start tearing upwardly in the heart of the day and I tin't explain information technology. Why am I so sad? They're leaving me." (White House Easter Prayer Breakfast, Apr 7, 2015)

88. "I got a letter a while back from a admirer living in Colorado, and clearly an intelligent guy, and he had taken a lot of fourth dimension to write this letter. And he said, y'all know, 'I voted for y'all twice, but I'm feeling disillusioned.' … And information technology went on and on, chronicling all the things that hadn't gotten done. And most of what he said I responded to, I think, pretty finer, because he seemed to take forgotten everything that had happened and how he had benefited. Merely the core, I think, of his business concern, the core of his complaint, was that he thought that when I got to Washington I could bring people together and make them piece of work more effectively. And the fact of the matter is, is that Washington is notwithstanding gridlocked and notwithstanding seems obsessed with the brusk term and the next election instead of the next generation. And on that upshot, I had to tell him, 'You're right.' I am frustrated, and yous have every right to be frustrated, considering Congress doesn't work the way it should. Issues are left untended. Folks are more interested in scoring political points than getting things washed—not considering whatsoever private fellow member of Congress is a bad person—there are a lot of adept, well-meaning, hardworking people out there—but because the incentives that accept been built into the system reward short-term, reward a polarized politics, reward being simplistic instead of existence truthful, reward division. And as mightily as I accept struggled against that, I told him, 'You're right. Information technology still is broken.' But I reminded him that when I ran in 2008, I, in fact, did not say I would set it; I said we could fix it. I didn't say, 'Yes, I can.' I said—what? … 'Yes, we can.'" (remarks in Santa Monica, California, June xviii, 2015)

89. "I've been through this. I've screwed up. I've been in the barrel tumbling down Niagara Falls, and I emerged, and I lived. And that'southward such a liberating feeling. It'due south 1 of the benefits of age." (WTF with Marc Maron, June 22, 2015)

90. "You know there's a place in Hawaii, Hanauma Bay, which is now a natural preserve. But information technology'south a beautiful coral reef, and my mother, she always says that the reason I'g calm is considering when she was meaning with me she used to become down to this bay and sit and listen to the water." (BBC, June thirty, 2015)

91. "I tin can say this unequivocally. The VA is improve now than when I came into office. Government works better than when I came into office. The economy, by whatsoever metric, is better than when I came into part. And so the reason I can sleep at night is, I say to myself, 'You know what? It's improve.' At present, am I satisfied with it? No. And should voters be satisfied with it? Absolutely not. Considering otherwise, you know, if nosotros get complacent and lazy, then stuff doesn't happen." (The Daily Show, July 21, 2015)

92. "What I found during the course of the presidency, and I suppose this is true in life, is that investments and work that you brand back here sometimes take a little longer than the 24-hour news cycle to bear fruit." (BBC, July 24, 2015)

93. "I am in my second term. It has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serve as president of the United States. I cannot imagine a greater honor or a more than interesting task. I beloved my piece of work. But nether our Constitution, I cannot run again. I can't run once again. I really think I'm a pretty good president—I think if I ran, I could win. Only I can't. So there's a lot that I'd similar to do to proceed America moving, but the law is the constabulary. And no one person is above the law. Not even the president. And I'll be honest with you—I'm looking forward to life after being president. I won't have such a big security detail all the time. It means I can get have a walk. I can spend fourth dimension with my family." (speech in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 28, 2015)

94. "I've been around this track at present for a while." (NPR, August 10, 2015)

95. "Gotta continue moving." (NPR, August x, 2015)

96. "That's one of the hardest things in politics to convince people of: to make investments today that don't pay off until many years from at present." (Rolling Stone, September 23, 2015)

97. "I do think that Speaker Boehner sometimes had a tough position because there were members in his caucus who saw compromise of whatever sort every bit weakness or betrayal. And when you accept divided government, when you lot accept a republic, compromise is necessary. And I recollect Speaker Boehner sometimes had difficulty persuading members of his conclave of that." (White Firm news conference, September 25, 2015)

98. "But every bit I said from the offset, information technology'south going to have time." (news conference in Antalya, Turkey, November 16, 2015)

99. "At that place'southward no doubt that the longer I'm in this job, the more confident I am about the decisions I'm making and more knowledgeable about the responses I tin expect. And every bit a upshot, you end up being looser. In that location's not much I have non seen at this point, and I know what to wait, and I can anticipate more than I did before." (GQ, Nov 17, 2015)

100. "When I think nigh how I understand my function as denizen, setting aside being president, and the virtually important fix of understandings that I bring to that position of denizen, the near of import stuff I've learned I think I've learned from novels. It has to do with empathy. It has to practise with beingness comfortable with the notion that the world is complicated and total of grays, but there'south still truth there to be plant, and that you have to strive for that and work for that." (New York Review of Books, November 19, 2015)

101. "One of the things that you lot find is when you're in this task, you retrieve about information technology differently than when you're just running for the job." (news conference in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, December ane, 2015)


Source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/obama-quotes-213485

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