In the Novel Hester First Sees Chillingworth Again in the

"infobox Book "
name The Ruby-red Alphabetic character
epitome caption Penguin Classics Edition
author Nathaniel Hawthorne
country Us
language English
genre Fiction
publisher Penguin
release date 1850
media blazon Print (Hardback & Paperback)
pages 279 pages
isbn 0142437263

The novel begins with the narrator, a Custom House official, who happens to find a cerise letter "A" in a box he finds one 24-hour interval in the part. The narrator and then relates the story of Hester Prynne, the original bearer of the ruby-red alphabetic character, who lived in Boston when information technology was simply a small Puritan settlement in the seventeenth century.

Hester's story begins on a scaffold just outside the boondocks prison house. She has committed adultery, given nascence to a child out of marriage, and refuses to proper noun the human being with whom she had the thing. The village leaders hope to shame her into naming her lover by making her into a public spectacle. Fifty-fifty nether intense pressure, Hester refuses to reveal her secret. She alone must bear the shame and isolation resulting from her deportment. As a punishment, Hester is made to wear a crimson letter "A" on her chest at all times. The letter "A" stands for infidelity and causes her and her daughter to be scorned by the members of her community.

Hester's former hubby returns to witness Hester's shame. He decides to seek revenge confronting the man who, in his opinion, ruined Hester's life and stole his wife from him. He assumes a new name, Roger Chillingworth, and becomes known as a doc specializing in alternative medicine. He befriends the Reverend Dimmesdale, the sickly young minister. Chillingworth eventually determines that Dimmesdale is the father of Hester's girl, Pearl. He plots an elaborate scheme in social club to avenge the wrong he perceives was committed by Dimmesdale.

Hester discovers Chillingworth'south plan to torture Dimmesdale on a daily footing, and recognizes that Dimmesdale's health is significantly impacted by the revenge plot. Her secret is slowly killing the government minister. As a outcome, Hester must break the promise she made years ago to never reveal the identity of Chillingworth in social club to salvage Dimmesdale's life.

She reveals Chillingworth'due south true identity to Dimmesdale and begs for his forgiveness. She expresses her want for Dimmesdale to exit the state for his own safety, merely Dimmesdale does not want to be alone. Hester offers to leave with him, and they plan to leave on a ship spring for Europe in three days. However, both Hester and Dimmesdale are plagued by feelings of dread and doom that go on to interrupt their bliss.

Another threat to their future happiness remains. Chillingworth is aware of the chat between Hester and Dimmesdale. He remains committed to seeking revenge, and will employ whatsoever means necessary to fulfill his need. Will Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale be able to start a new life equally a family northward Europe, or will Chillingworth finally attain his retribution?

Themes in Hawthorne'southward The Crimson Letter of the alphabet include isolation, hypocrisy, the nature of evil, the role of a adult female in society, the destructive power of guilt, revenge, and the pressures society places on individuals to adjust. Symbolism is another literary device prevalent in the novel. Examples include the scarlet letter itself, the brook, the roses, and Pearl's proper noun. These literary devices and Hawthorne's plot continue to resound with readers, allowing the novel to remain popular with readers today.

Major Characters

Hester Prynne

Hester Prynne is shamed afterwards she has an affair with Reverend Dimmesdale and a child out of union with him. She refuses to name Dimmesdale in order to protect him. She is the female parent of Pearl, simply has a difficult time connecting with her daughter at times. She is the old wife of Roger Chillingworth, and the bearer of the scarlet alphabetic character "A" for adulteress.

Reverend Dimmesdale

Reverend Dimmesdale has an adulterous affair with Hester Prynne, merely he keeps his part in the matter secret in society to protect his position within the community. He is consumed past guilt over his deportment and suffers from declining health as a result of his secret.

Roger Chillingworth

Roger Chillingworth is the former married man of Hester Prynne. He studies culling medicine and the black arts, and assumes a new identity in order to seek revenge. He befriends Dimmesdale in order to torture him on a daily basis.


Pearl is Hester's daughter, isolated from the community and forced to create her own imaginary friends. She is fixated on the cherry letter worn past her mother, and has emotional fits and becomes angry when she is around other children. Pearl is able to find relationships that others may not run across.

Reverend Wilson

Reverend Wilson is a church building elder and a powerful leader in the customs who disapproves of Hester, believing that she may non be a fit female parent for Pearl.

Affiliate Summaries

The Custom House- Introductory to The Cerise Letter

The narrator is an official at the Custom Firm, which was in one case an important meeting house, just considering the port is no longer bustling, the Custom House is not what it used to exist.

The first settlers of the surface area are now long gone, but their lives even so touch on the community. The narrator is related to an early on settler who was a estimate and a ruler in the church building known for his severity towards women.

The narrator meets other Custom House officers, too members of the Whig party. The narrator provides a graphic symbol sketch of each officer.

He finds an erstwhile package in the office of the Custom House. A blood-red cloth in the shape of a letter "A" is in the box. A scroll explains that the letter was worn by Hester Prynne. The narrator begins to retell the story of Hester and the scarlet letter of the alphabet.

Chapter One - The Prison Door

One of the start buildings constructed by the settlers of Boston was the prison. Despite being cleared of all brush, a wild rosebush grows at the threshold of the prison door. It is thought the rosebush symbolizes morality and can relieve human frailty and sorrow.

Chapter Two - The Market Identify

1 summertime morning 200 years ago, every person in boondocks is paying shut attention to the prison house door considering a local woman is existence held within the prison. The women are particularly interested in the fate of Hester Prynne.

The prison door opens and Hester is led out. She is property an infant. A blood-red letter "A" has been sewn on her gown. She is so escorted to a scaffold where she must stand on a platform every bit a part of her penalisation. Anybody in the boondocks watches her, including her father. Hester is ashamed as she looks out at the sea of faces.

Affiliate Iii - The Recognition

From the platform, Hester sees a Native American and another man enter the market place place. The man asks who Hester is and what she has done. The man learns Hester committed infidelity and will not proper noun the father of her baby. She is being punished in the hopes she will reveal the proper name of her lover.

Both Reverend Dimmesdale and Reverend Wilson try to go the information from Hester, just she refuses.

Chapter 4 - The Interview

After existence returned to the prison, Hester is existence watched by the guards and then that she does non harm herself or her child. Hester becomes emotional and upset, alarming the guards further. Another man, Roger Chillingworth, offers to at-home Hester. He is given time alone with Hester because he claims to be a dr.. He gives Hester and the babe calming draughts.

It is revealed that Roger is Hester's husband. He is not angry; he pities her. He knew she never loved him, simply he married her anyhow. Roger says they accept both been wronged and asks the name of the homo who is responsible. He says he will get revenge for both of them.

ester refuses to name her lover. Roger makes her hope never to reveal his identity to anyone in boondocks.

Chapter Five - Hester at Her Needle

Hester is released from prison only must still wear the scarlet letter until she reveals her lover's identity. Her brunt and shame grows every twenty-four hour period considering she is singled out as a sinner in the Puritan customs. Nevertheless, she is free to return to Europe, merely she chooses to remain in the customs.

Hester and her daughter move into a thatched cottage on the outskirts of town. Hester is without friends, but her needlework is in need for christening gowns, and fancy dresses. Hester dresses very evidently, but dresses her daughter in the finest apparel.

Hester is not welcomed at the church building and is tormented by the local children. She is isolated from everyone in the community and is non welcome to attend church services.

Affiliate Six - Pearl

Hester decides to proper name her girl Pearl because she paid a great price for her treasured daughter. She initially feared Pearl would exist plagued by unhappiness because of Hester'due south experiences while carrying her. Pearl is a happy and playful kid, simply she sometimes has fits of emotion. Hester is confused past these episodes.

Pearl is also shunned by the local children because of Hester's reputation. She oft experiences fits of rage when around other children. Her simply real playmate is Hester, so she creates imaginary playmates. Despite being completely innocent, Pearl is punished in the same astringent mode as her female parent.

Chapter Seven - The Governor's Hall

Hester delivers a pair of embroidered gloves to Governor Bellingham's mansion for his married woman. She brings Pearl with her because she has heard that the elders may want to accept Pearl abroad from her. She wants them to run across that Pearl is a happy and healthy child. Children try to throw mud at them as they walk into town, just Pearl's temper scares them away

Pearl is fascinated past the splendor of the mansion. She begins to cry considering she wants a red rose, and Hester tries to calm her. Hester does non want the Governor to think Pearl is possessed by evil spirits. Pearl starts screaming, only stops once she sees the Governor.

Chapter Eight - The Elf-Child and the Minister

The Governor is accompanied by Mr. Wilson, Roger Chillingworth, and Reverend Dimmesdale. They tell Hester they are concerned that she is non a proper role model for her daughter. They believe Pearl may exist improve off being raised by another family.

Mr. Wilson asks Pearl who made her, and Pearl replies she had been plucked from the rose bush that grows past the prison door. The men are horrified.

Hester begs to keep her child and asks her erstwhile minister, Dimmesdale, to assistance. He convinces the other men to let Hester to keep Pearl, only Dimmesdale will teach canon to Pearl.

Chapter Nine - The Leech

Hester's married man, now using the identity of Roger Chillingworth, becomes a prominent doctor in the community. He likewise becomes active in religious life.

Dimmesdale'south health begins to fail, and Chillingworth offers to treat him. He becomes close to Dimmesdale and the ii men motility in together.

Chillingworth conducts experiments in his laboratory, which concerns the community. Some believe he is involved in the black arts. People begin to believe Dimmesdale is either haunted past Satan or is under the influence of Satan'due south emissary, Chillingworth.

Chapter X - The Leech and His Patient

Chillingworth continues to investigate Dimmesdale, merely he is unaware of Chillingworth's agenda. He trusts Chillingworth is his friend.

Dimmesdale alludes to a personal surreptitious, but does not reveal his secret, despite Chillingworth'south prompting. Their conversation is interrupted by the inflow of Hester and Pearl.

After the Prynnes walk abroad, the men discuss Hester and the belief evil tin manifest itself equally a sickness. Chillingworth decides to pursue this chat in the future.

Chapter Eleven - The Interior of a Heart

The relationship between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale changes after their last conversation. Chillingworth now knows how to focus his revenge. Dimmesdale senses something evil is watching over him, but he does not suspect it is his trusted confidante.

Dimmesdale is tortured by his secret and the paradigm of Pearl pointing at Hester's scarlet letter, and then pointing at him.

Chapter Twelve - The Minister's Vigil

Dimmesdale walks to the scaffold where Hester one time stood. He shrieks, just no one takes detect. Hester and Pearl encounter Dimmesdale, and he asks them to stand on the platform with him. Pearl asks him to stand with them on the platform tomorrow at noon. He says he will stand with them on Judgment Day.

Dimmesdale sees a streak of light in the sky shaped like the alphabetic character "A". Chillingworth is watching and offers to walk Dimmesdale home.

Chapter 13 - Another View of Hester

Over the years, Hester becomes more accustomed by the community. She also becomes a sought later on seamstress by the privileged in the community and is known for her generosity to the poor. In fact, many in the community now say the scarlet "A" at present means able.

Considering of her isolation, Hester is costless to her own thoughts. This causes her to sometimes uncertainty her decision to raise Pearl rather than ship her to heaven. She also contemplates suicide sometimes.

She recognizes that Dimmesdale is tortured by his guilt. She decides to meet with Chillingworth to talk to him about ending his revenge scheme.

Chapter Fourteen - Hester and the Physician

Hester approaches Chillingworth to talk almost Dimmesdale. She notices his appearance has inverse; he now has a sinister appearance. She accuses him of causing Dimmesdale to suffer a daily living death.

Hester tells him she must reveal his identity before he destroys Dimmesdale. She begs him to forgive both of them and says his hatred has turned him into a fiend. Chillingworth refuses to end seeking revenge.

Chapter Fifteen - Hester and Pearl

Hester declares her hatred for Chillingworth and regrets marrying him.

Pearl fashions an "A" out of seaweed while playing and shows it to her female parent. Hester is disturbed by this, just realizes that Pearl is not trying to injure her. She asks Hester why she wears the scarlet letter and why the minister keeps his paw over his center. Hester evades the questions, but Pearl brings them dorsum upward the next mean solar day. Hester threatens to punish her.

Chapter Sixteen - A Wood Walk

Hester walks with Pearl in the woods with the intention of revealing Chillingworth's identity to Dimmesdale. She knows that he oft walks by himself in the woods, and plans to come across him when he is by himself.

Though Pearl is bathed in sunlight, information technology leaves equally soon as Hester approaches. Pearl asks Hester if she has ever met the evil spirit in the woods. Hester tells her she has, and the evil spirit gave her the ruby letter.

Hester meets Dimmesdale in the woods.

Affiliate Seventeen - The Pastor and His Parishioner

Dimmesdale tells Hester she is lucky she can openly address her sin by wearing the scarlet letter. He is being tortured by his sin.

Hester tells Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is his enemy and her former hubby. He forgives Hester for keeping the secret for seven years.

Hester advises Dimmesdale to render to Europe, but he refuses to leave. He is agape to be lonely, but Hester says she will go with him.

Chapter Xviii - A Flood of Sunshine

Hester removes the ruddy letter, throws it into the woods, and feels all her burdens melt away. She and Dimmesdale determine to start a new life together someplace new. They will enhance Pearl together.

Chapter Nineteen - The Kid at the Brookside

Dimmesdale worries that Pearl volition not respond to him, simply Hester tells him Pearl will grow to beloved him.

Pearl approaches Hester and Dimmesdale, but she refuses to cross the brook to join them. She points to where Hester used to wear the cerise letter.

Hester tells Pearl to pick up the crimson letter and bring it to her. Pearl tells Hester to option it up and feels a sense of doom once she picks upwardly the letter. Pearl then crosses the beck.

Dimmesdale kisses Pearl on the forehead, and she immediately washes her face in the brook.

Affiliate 20 - The Minister in the Maze

Dimmesdale leaves outset and then that no 1 volition come across him with Hester and Pearl. Before he leaves, they devise a programme to leave for Europe in three days with Hester and Pearl on a transport.

As he returns to boondocks, Dimmesdale is welcomed home past Chillingworth. He tells Chillingworth he will no longer require his medical services. He also tells Chillingworth he is now free to live on his own, and he does not need to live with him anymore.

Affiliate Twenty-One - The New England Holiday

Hester and Pearl join the rest of the boondocks for Election Twenty-four hour period festivities.

Pearl asks if Dimmesdale volition talk to them like he did the other day at the brook. Hester tells her he will not be able to speak with them today, and she should not endeavor to get his attending.

Hester sees Chillingworth talking with the commander of the send they programme to sail on back to Europe. He tells her Chillingworth told him he will exist traveling with them in order to provide his medical services to Dimmesdale. Hester begins to worry that Chillingworth stand in the way of their pending happiness.

Chapter 20-Ii - The Procession

The procession begins. Subsequently the officials file into the foursquare, Dimmesdale delivers what is to be his final sermon before he leaves with Hester and Pearl.

Hester watches Dimmesdale intently, merely Pearl is more interested with the people in the crowd. Pearl delivers a message from the ship'due south commander to her female parent. He says he spoke to Chillingworth, who told him that he plans to personally escort Dimmesdale to the ship. Hester worries that they may never escape.

Chapter Twenty-3 - The Revelation of the Cerise Letter

Dimmesdale ends his voice communication and the procession heads to the market place place.

The procession is interrupted by a horrifying shout. All eyes are on Dimmesdale, who appears to be ill. He asks Hester and Pearl to stand with him on the scaffold. Chillingworth tries to terminate Dimmesdale, but he holds hands with Hester and Pearl on the scaffold

Dimmesdale reveals he is Pearl's male parent and Hester's hugger-mugger lover. He and so collapses and dies in Hester's artillery.

Chapter Twenty-Four - Conclusion

Several days later on, some spectators claim they saw a scarlet letter of the alphabet on Dimmesdale's breast.

Chillingworth turns into a shriveled, unhappy trounce of a man after he cannot focus his energy on revenge. He dies that yr and leaves a substantial estate solely to Pearl.

Pearl is now the richest heiress in the New World. She and Hester disappear.

Years subsequently, Hester Prynne returns to Boston without Pearl, who appears to exist living in England. Hester becomes a trusted woman in the community until she dies subsequently living a long life.

External Links

  • The Scarlet Letter Summary
  • The Crimson Alphabetic character Lesson Plan

Ruby-red Letter of the alphabet

Scarlet Letter of the alphabet

Cherry Letter


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