Do You Snowboard Better if You Know How to Skatebaord

Is skateboarding similar to snowboarding? These two sports are similar in many ways, and knowing skateboarding can aid learning snowboarding and vice-versa. There are also major differences betwixt skateboarding and snowboarding that yous demand to take into account when trying to transfer your skills from ane sport over to the other.

Here'southward a quick comparison of skateboarding and snowboarding:

  • Stance & rest: similar (longboard) except for bindings
  • Bones riding skills: similar for carving, different for stopping
  • Learning curve: skateboarding harder to learn at first
  • Accessibility: skateboarding easier and cheaper to practice
  • Hazards: basic skateboarding is riskier than basic snowboarding
  • Tricks: like – many snowboard tricks are skateboard-inspired
  • Skills transfer: full general balance & stance, ramp & track tricks, etching

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1. Skateboard vs snowboard: stance & balance

skateboard vs snowboard stance and balance

One of the things that make skateboarding and snowboarding so closely related is stance – which we may refer to as surf opinion, standing sideways when facing travel direction.

Fifty-fifty though a snowboard is typically longer (55″-62″) than a longboard (36″-48″), your stance on both types of board is similar in width, nearly shoulder width. Your feet are closer to the tips on a longboard than on a snowboard.

Where things may differ is that you may not accept equally much of a "duck stance" (feet pointing 45ยบ in opposite directions) on a skateboard than on a snowboard. Your feet are generally more parallel on a skateboard.

Another cardinal difference is that on a snowboard, your anxiety are strapped through the bindings, whereas they are complimentary moving on a longboard. As a result, balancing is a bit unlike, since you can lean frontward or astern a lot on a snowboard without losing your board, something you tin can't do on a skateboard.

The weight of your boots and bindings on a snowboard also touch your balancing in a different style compared to a skateboard.

two. Skateboard vs snowboard: basic riding skills

skateboard vs snowboard basic riding skills

Your natural balance is similar when riding a skateboard or a snowboard. However, when riding a skateboard you take the iv wheels rolling on the ground, whereas on a snowboard yous ride mostly on the edge of the board – yous typically don't ride on the flat except in more advanced scenarios. Border riding is a cardinal difference with skateboarding.

The body motion for etching, on the other manus, is very similar on a skateboard and on a snowboard – east.g. using your head, shoulders, and upper body to initiate turns. On both, you shift your body weight to lean onto an edge for turning. On a skateboard, leaning makes your wheels plow whereas on a snowboard, it makes your board edge into the turn.

Stopping on a skateboard is oft washed through foot braking or bailing and outrunning, which you lot can't do on a snowboard since your feet are strapped to the board. Stopping on a snowboard, nonetheless, is very like to powersliding on a skateboard, making your board skid beyond the slope by shifting your weight off and pushing out.

Sliding on a longboard is also similar to making beginner turns on a snowboard which typically involve constant sliding on the ski run.

iii. Skateboard vs snowboard: learning curve

skateboard vs snowboard learning curve

When it comes to learning curve, most people hold skateboarding is harder to learn than snowboarding. The reasons are the following:

  • Stepping on a skateboard on pavement will make it roll immediately, with the possibility of the lath shooting out under you. On a snowboard, you're bound to the board and initially parallel to the slope so you're pretty safety at offset.
  • If you lot fall of a skateboard, you risk hitting the concrete and hence you lot tin can get hurt pretty badly even a very low speed. On a snowboard, you'll fall in the snowfall – even if there'due south ice, it'southward typically non equally bad as physical. Errors in Skateboarding can have greater consequences.
  • Anyone can get on a skateboard and toll a bit, only getting the basics down – pushing, turning, and stopping – requires more than time and endeavor than snowboarding. Learning snowboarders are typically able to ride downwards a balmy slope within a day, whereas safely rolling downward a gradient on a skateboard takes a lot more practise.
  • Once you've got the basics down on a snowboard and you're able to link turns and ride down the hill without falling, the learning curve gets steeper for riding bigger hills, doing cliff jumps, or riding pipe. Too, learning freestyle or dancing tricks on a longboard, bombing hills and sliding, or riding ramps and transitions, are all hard skills to acquire.

four. Skateboard vs snowboard: accessibility & toll

Skateboarding doesn't toll much to go into, typically $90 to $250 for a board depending on type (see my postal service How much practise longboards cost). You may besides want to fork out another $100 or then for some safety gear.

A snowboard costs a lot more, including boots and binding. You also need to factor in expensive snowboarding pants and jacket, goggles and gloves. Add to that the cost of traveling to the mountain and the elevator tickets, information technology all adds up to a hefty amount.

You tin practice skateboarding anywhere, in apartment areas and parking lots for flatland tricks, on bike lanes for cruising, on nearby hills for freeriding, or in urban center streets and skateparks for street, transition, and pool skating. Y'all can do tricks such as ollies and kickflips anywhere without having to spend a dime, and admission many urban center skateparks for a very small fee.

In contrast, most people will need to go through some effort and brand fourth dimension to travel to a ski resort to go snowboarding.

See also: what is the best skateboard for cruising?

5. Skateboard vs snowboard: hazards

As I mentioned before, skateboarding bears of greater chance of hurting yourself fifty-fifty when riding slow by hitting the pavement with your body or head. Snowboarding is not every bit bad since y'all're riding on snow virtually of the time and you tin can slide when you fall. Little falls injure a lot more when skateboarding due to touch and road rash.

Practicing skateboard tricks also issue in constant bruises on knees (unless you wear kneepads), shins, and ankles.

Snowboarding can also event in serious injuries from falling downhill at loftier speed. The mountain surround can also be very unsafe if yous don't know what you're doing, especially on more than advanced slopes.

All in all, skateboarding is probably riskier than snowboarding at a beginner level. Snowboarding gets riskier the more advanced you become. Advanced skateboarding also involves significant hazards due east.m. if you're commuting in traffic, freeriding on big hills, or throwing avant-garde kicktricks.

6. Skateboard vs snowboard: tricks

Tricks on a skateboard vs on a snowboard have a lot of similarities since snowboard freestyle tricks and snowpark environments are largely inspired from skateboarding.

Snowboard tricks are easier to learn than skate tricks since:

  • Your feet are bound to the snowboard
  • Landing in the snow is non as hard as concrete or woods

On the other mitt, you lot can't spring off a snowboard similar you lot can on a skateboard, which tin can make certain tricks (e.k. arrogance) riskier.

Skateboarders tend to larn snowboarding runway tricks much quicker than non-skaters as the trunk positioning and movements typically behave over. Conversely, a rider who can do a 360 on a snowboard has an easier time performing the aforementioned play a joke on on a skateboard.

Jumping is different on a skateboard vs a snowboard. On a skateboard, you do an ollie, kick the rear of your lath while lifting your front foot briefly to make the skateboard pop off the ground. On a snowboard, since your feet are strapped you tin simply pop your feet off the floor to get your board upward.

7. Skateboard vs snowboard: skills transfer

Do skateboarding skills transfer over to snowboarding (and vice-versa)? 1 thing is for sure, your balancing skills from one sport will no doubt assist yous choice upwardly the other much faster.

Unlike "normal" non-boarder newbies, skateboarders who start snowboarding are typically able to link turns and ride down a gradient on the starting time twenty-four hour period. Equally I mentioned, carving turns down a hill on a skateboard is very similar to doing so on a snowboard – a skateboarder mainly need to get used to riding the edge and pivoting on the forepart foot.

The reverse is not ever true: beingness a snowboarder doesn't guarantee you'll be able to find your remainder on a skateboard right abroad as riding on wheels ofttimes takes more practice.

Where the skills acquit over the all-time from one sport to the other is for freestyle (street tricks, transitions, vert/halfpipe) and freeride (etching and sliding downhill).

Skateboard vs snowboard frequent questions

Is skateboarding harder than snowboarding?

For a beginner in both sports, skateboarding is mostly considered harder than snowboarding when starting considering it takes more try to find your residual and because your slightest moves can cause the wheels to turn.

While learning the basics in snowboarding tin be relatively straightforward for many people, getting skilful at it can exist merely equally difficult as becoming a skilful skateboarder. The only aspect that can make snowboarding feel easier to acquire is the fact that falling in the snowfall is less painful than falling on concrete.

Does skateboarding better snowboarding?

Yes, skateboarding tin improve snowboarding, namely past:

  • Helping you balance on a moving board while in a surf stance
  • Education yous how to carve into turns and how to slide to shed speed
  • Helping you master freestyle tricks common to both sports

Final words

Skateboarding and snowboarding are complementary sports, and many riders cross-railroad train for ane by practicing the other. Skateboarding (or longboarding) can easily and inexpensively be practiced outside of the snowboarding season.

Skateboarding lets you stay in shape and strop your balancing, carving, downhill, and freestyle skills from Spring to Fall. Conversely, snowboarding, if yous have the fourth dimension and budget for information technology, can continue you lot riding when it's likewise cold and icy out at that place to skate!

Photograph credits:
– Featured: "snowboard" (CC BY-SA ii.0) pastffosesp
– Featured: "Rainbow Drifting Warrior" by Rob Green (@OhioGreenPhoto); Rider: Avery Wilcox; Permission: Loaded Boards
– "Longboard v" (CC By-SA 2.0) by Blas Brains
– "Longboard" (CC By 2.0) byredcreadeporte
– "IMG_4850Jupi_1500" (CC BY-SA two.0) by macskapocs


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